College of aeronautical engineering, National University of sciences and technology, being the research institute, conduct the research in variety of research areas. The basic aim of the research is to improve the self reliance and reduce dependence on foreign agencies in order to save the foreign exchange. The main research groups are:-


Alternate Energy Research Group

This research group mainly focuses on the renewable energies. Research is being conducted in solar energy, wind energy and hydro power generation. Pakistan is facing acute shortage of electricity. The aim of this research group is to address the energy issues of Pakistan by producing electricity using alternate energy resources. The main projects conducted by this group are, electricity production using wind energy, electricity production using solar energy and electricity production using hydro energy.

Material Research Group

The conventional materials are being replaced by innovative materials having better strength to weight ratio as compared with their metal counter parts. These innovative materials are composite based. This research group focuses on the investigation of the behavior of these materials to better understand the potential of such materials. The use of composite materials is increasing day by day in aviation industry.. Boeing 787, which comprises 50% of composite by weight, is a classic example of composite usage. There are many unknown feathers of these materials, which researcher need to investigate.

FEA Design / Analysis Group

FEA design and analysis is a useful and cheap technique to simulate the behavior of any system. This research group mainly focuses to address the field problem of PAF and to propose innovative solution of field problems. The group is also involved in exploring new technologies using FEA packages.

CFD Analysis Group

CFD is a power tool to simulate the aerodynamic performance of a system. The research conducted by this group includes the CFD analysis of aircrafts, automobiles and sports goods. This group have conducted CFD analysis of many PAF aircrafts to investigate their performance. The research in aerial weapons is also being conducted extensively.

Aircraft Structural Design Group

This research group focuses on the structural analysis and simulation and fabrication of aircraft, UAV, UCAV. The main projects of this group include manufacturing of small scale UAV and manufacturing of ultra light aircraft.

Aircraft Aerodynamic Design Group

This group is involved in the aerodynamic designing and analysis of small scale aircraft and aerial weapons. Many successful projects have been completed by this group.

Propulsion and Turbo Machinery Group

This group is involved in the design and analysis of jet, turboprop engines being used on aircraft and aerial weapons. This group has also conducted many useful projects for PAF, Which resolved many field problems.

Apart from the mentioned research groups, research in various other areas is also being undertaken.